
On this website you will find a lot of helpfull information about all the Luna Parks in the world. The website contains an overview of all the Luna Parks, as well as an detailed description of their individual histories.

The world’s Luna Parks are not owned by a company or gathered under a single organisation; they are seperate amusement parks owned by different companies or independant showmen (show travellers). In general the Luna Parks can be divided into two groups:

  • Fixed Luna Parks (that stay in the same place all year) are owned by a single company.
  • Travelling Luna Parks (that travel all year or parts of the year) typically consists of several show travellers that travel together. The individual show travellers are normally tied together in family owned businesses.

The fixed Luna Parks often have their own websites with information about the attractions, opening hours, prices etc. The travelling Luna Parks on the other hand almost never have their own websites. The practical information about these parks can typically be found sporadically on local authority sites, tourist guide sites, news websites or likewise.

The idea behind Luna-Parks.com is to make all the information about all the Luna Parks available in one single website. This also makes it easier to find other Luna Parks in other areas or countries for the fans of funfairs and amusement parks.

Our website is 100% free to use and is monetized exclusively by text-, image- and video ads from Google AdSense. We do not sponsorize or favorize any Luna Parks or other amusement parks. We are open to other advertisement opportunities though. If you want to advertise on our website, please contact us via the link below.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the content on our website, you are more than welcome to contact us.