Parque Temático Barco de Aventuras

It is a vibrant theme park featuring the adventure ship and offering exciting activities for families and individuals.  Here one can get unforgettable experiences of all ages. 


Luna Park Parque Temático Barco de Aventuras offer a variety of facilities and are designed to cater to families as well as thrill seekers. The park is facilitated with adventure ship,  a center of attraction and offers immersive adventurous activities. There are restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy culinary delights. Rest Areas are there where you can relax and enjoy the surroundings between activities. 

Opening Hours

It operates according to the following schedule

Monday to Friday- 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday -9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

How to Reach Parque Temático Barco de Aventuras?

Luna Park Parque Temático Barco de Aventuras, can be accessible by various means of transportation:

By Car – You can take a specific route or highway and follow signs to park names.

By Public Transport –  You can take the bus or subway and stop near the park entrance.

Entry Price And Tickets

You can purchase the tickets at the entrance and the adults and children need to pay the price and children who are under 3, there is a free admission for them.


Address: 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain

Additional Information

Country City In operation Status Type
Spain Madrid ? to present Active
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