Parque Rodó Montevideo

The José Enrique Rodó Park, also known as Parque Rodó, is a park located in the city of Montevideo. Covering an area of 42 hectares, it serves as a traditional leisure spot for the residents of Montevideo.

As a cornerstone of amusement in Montevideo, Parque Rodó holds a special place in the hearts of families, often passed down from one generation to the next as a cherished social institution. For children, it’s where fond memories are made, where families come together, and where a sense of belonging is fostered.


Prices and Promotions for Ticket Purchases:

  • 1 ticket …………………………………………………….. $100.-
  • 6 tickets ………………………………………………….. $500.-​

Promotions do not include access to Indianápolis. Official park tickets are exclusively sold at ticket booths or directly through our company for specific circumstances. Reselling of tickets is strictly prohibited, and any tickets obtained through unauthorized means will be rendered invalid.

Parque Rodó Montevideo
Attribution: Jorge Gobbi –

Opening Hours in 2024

In 2024 Parque Rodó Montevideo has the following opening hours:


  • Summer: 16:30 to 24:30
  • Autumn: 15:00 to 23:00
  • Winter: 14:00 to 22:00
  • Spring: 15:30 to 23:30


  • Open every day.
  • Easter week: 15:00 to 23:00hs


  • The park boasts an artificial lake spanning approximately 17,059 m².
  • It is home to the Ramón Collazo Summer Theater, a playground area for children, and an amusement park with mechanical rides.
  • Adjacent to the park is the National Museum of Visual Arts.
  • The Faculty of Information and Communication and the Faculty of Engineering of the UdelaR are located nearby.
  • The surrounding area offers a diverse range of gastronomic options.

Special Occasions

Whether it’s Family Day, Children’s Day, or a special event for your company, association, or group, Parque Rodó offers a unique outdoor experience for the wholesome enjoyment of your employees, friends, and loved ones.

With expertise in organizing events for multinational corporations, schools, and non-profit organizations, they provide tailored ticket packages that can include access to their available venues and catering options, ensuring top-quality personalized service for their clients.


The origins of Parque Rodó date back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the then Urban Park began to take shape, designed by French architects Carlos Thays and Carlos Racine.

The park’s amusements began on January 24, 1889, with the introduction of an exciting attraction: the roller coaster. Carousels arrived a few years later in 1903. The initial groundwork for the formation of the Urban Park, as Parque Rodó was originally called, began between 1900 and 1902.

Construction between 1903 and 1904 included the artificial lake, rustic imitation bridges, the central avenue, a terrace for music, a castle overlooking the lake, a dairy for the sale of fresh milk, and a playground for children. It wasn’t until 1912 that entertainment was institutionalized when the Municipality authorized the installation of games, pony rides, and stalls for the sale of food and sweets.

Lago del Parque Rodó


Among the traditional electro-mechanical attractions are the Ferris wheel and the Bumper Cars, along with newer additions like the “Crazy Worm.” The castle beside the lake houses the “María Stagnero de Munar” Children’s Library. Across the lake stands the Music Pavilion, paying homage to great German musical figures like Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and Wagner, and serving as a venue for orchestras and chamber groups.

Within the wooded area, several monuments stand out, including sculptures dedicated to José Enrique Rodó by José Belloni, playwright Florencio Sánchez, the “Athletes’ Fountain” by José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín, and the more recent monument to Confucius, inaugurated in 1985.

During the Christmas season, the traditional Book and Engraving Fair takes place near the lake.

Parque Rodó

Changes Over Time

Two of the park’s most iconic rides, the Roller Coaster and the Ghost Train, were removed in 2013. The space formerly occupied by the Ghost Train and Bumper Cars is now green space, while new attractions fill the area once occupied by the Roller Coaster.

Notable Attractions

At the location of the famous restaurant Rodelú, visitors can find some of the park’s most famous attractions, including Rock and Samba, Electric Bumper Cars, Shooting Gallery, Cosmic Airplane, and Derby.


Parque Rodó Montevideo
Requena Garcia S/N entre Sarmiento y Rambla
11300, Montevideo, URUGUAY
Tel: (+5982) 7115980

Additional Information

Country City In operation Status Type
Uruguay Montevideo 1968 to present Active Fixed
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